This module contains functions to plot the results of the fits.
(binmin, binmax, central, error, centralline=False, rect_args=None, line_args=None)[source]¶ Plots an error box.
- Arguments
binmin: Minimum x value of the error box.
binmax: Maximum x value of the error box.
central: Central y value.
error: Error in the y direction. error must be a float if the error is symmetric, or a tuple (error_inf, error_sup) if the error is not symmetric.
centralline: True to plot a horizontal line for the central value. Default: False.
rect_args: Optional arguments passed to plot the box.
line_args: Optional arguments passed to plot the central line.
(wfun, fin, fout, sigmas=1)[source]¶ Plots the pull of each observable in the SM and in the NP hypothesis.
- Arguments
wfun: Function that takes a point in parameter space and returns a dictionary of Wilson coefficents.
fin: Path to the .yaml file where the ellipsoid is saved.
fout: Path to the files where the plots will be saved. Two files are created, one .pdf and one .pgf (to use in TeX). Extensions are added automatically.
(color, amount=0.5)[source]¶ Darkens the given color by multiplying luminosity by the given amount. Input can be matplotlib color string, hex string, or RGB tuple. Examples: >> darken_color(‘g’, 0.3) >> darken_color(‘#F034A3’, 0.6) >> darken_color((.3,.55,.1), 0.5)
(fout, plottype, flist, flist2=None, legend=0)[source]¶ Plots the uncertainty intervals for several observables in NP scenarios, SM and experimental values.
- Arguments
fout: Path to the files where the plots will be saved. Two files are created, one .pdf and one .pgf (to use in TeX). Extensions are added automatically.
plottype: Selects the observables to be plotted:
‘RK’: Plots RK in the [1.1,6.0] bin and RK* in the [0.045,1.1] and [1.1,6] bins.
‘RD’: Plots RD, and RD* using only muons or muons+electrons.
flist: List of paths to files created by obsuncert.calculate.
flist2: Additional list of paths to files created by obsuncert.calculate.
legend: 0 for no legend, 1 for legend next to the plot and 2 for legend inside the plot.
(obscodes, wfun, fin, direction, fout, obsnames=None)[source]¶ Plots the vairation of the pull of several observables along a line connecting two opposite notable points of the ellipsoid.
- Arguments
obscodes: List of ID-Numbers of the observables, as returned by comparepulls.pointpull
wfun: Function that takes a point in parameter space and returns a dictionary of Wilson coefficents.
fin: Path to the .yaml file where the ellipsoid is saved.
direction: string with the following format:
‘ax’ + str(i): for the i-th principal axis of the ellipsoid.
‘sm’: for the direction joining the bf and sm points.
fout: Path to the files where the plots will be saved. Two files are created, one .pdf and one .pgf (to use in TeX). Extensions are added automatically.
(x, y, z, levels, interpolation_factor=1, interpolation_order=2, col=0, label=None, hatched=True, contour_args=None, contourf_args=None)[source]¶ Plots coloured and hatched confidence contours (or bands) given numerical input arrays.Based on the flavio function
- Arguments
x, y: 2D arrays containg x and y values as returned by numpy.meshgrid
z: value of the function to plot. 2D array in the same shape as x and y. The lowest value of the function should be 0 (i.e. the best fit point).
levels: list of function values where to draw the contours. They should be positive and in ascending order.
[interpolation factor:: in between the points on the grid, the functioncan be interpolated to get smoother contours. This parameter sets the number of subdivisions (default: 1, i.e. no interpolation). It should be larger than 1.]
[col: number between 0 and 9 to choose the color of the plot from a predefined palette.]
[label: label that will be added to a legend created with maplotlib.pyplot.legend().]
[contour_args: dictionary of additional options that will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.contour() (that draws the contour lines).]
[contourf_args: dictionary of additional options that will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.contourf() (that paints the contour filling).]
(grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, axlabels, fout=None, locleg=0, n_sigma=(1, 2), colors=None, styles=None, widths=None, ticks=0.5, bf=None)[source]¶ Plots a contour plot of the log-likelihood of the fit.
- Arguments
grid: List containing the x coordinates, y corrdinates and a dictionary for the likelihood values in the grid.
xmin: Minimum value of the x coordinate.
xmax: Maximum value of the x coordinate.
ymin: Minimum value of the y coordinate.
ymax: Maximum value of the y coordinate.
axlabels: List containing two strings to label the x and y axes.
[fout: Path to the files where the plots will be saved. Two files are created, one .pdf and one .pgf (to use in TeX). Extensions are added automatically.]
[locleg: Position of the legend of the plot, using matplotlib’s syntaxis. Default=0 (best position).]
[n_sigma: List containing the significance (in sigmas) of each contour. Default = (1,2).]
[colors: List with the colors of each contour. Default: flavio palette.]
[styles: List with the linestyles of each contour. Default: All solid.]
[widths: List with the linewidths of each contour. Default: All 1pt.]
[ticks: Interval between ticks in both axes. Default:0.5]
[bf: Coordinates of the best fit point(s). It can be None (no point marked) or a list containing two floats (one point marked). Default: None.]