
Assuming that the likelihood of the fit follows a gaussian distribution (Central Limit Theorem), and therefore the log-likelihood is characterized by a quadratic form around the minimum, this script finds this quadratic form, and parametrizes (ellipsoidal) sections of constant likelihood.


Loads a ellipse saved in a .yaml file to a python dictionary.

  • filename: Path to the .yaml file where the shape of the ellipse has been saved by the save method.

A python dictionary containing:
  • bf: np.array with the point in parameter space with the best fit.

  • v: np.matrix containing the orientation of the axes of the ellipsoid.

  • d: np.array containing the principal axes of the ellipsoid.

  • L: Log-likelihood at the best fit point.

  • [name: Name of the fit.]

  • [fit: Scenario used in the fit.]

SMEFT19.ellipse.minimum(fit, x0)[source]

Finds the minimum of the fit function and approximates its neighbourhood by an ellipsoid.

  • fit: function that takes one point in parameter space and returns its negative log-likelihhod. Example: -SMEFTglob.likelihood_global(x, scenarios.scVI).

  • x0: list or np.array containing an initial guess.

  • bf: np.array with the point in parameter space with the best fit.

  • v: Unitary matrix containing the axes of the ellipse.

  • d: diagonal matrix containing the inverse of the squares of the semiaxes.

  • Lmin: Log-likelihood at the best fit point.

SMEFT19.ellipse.notablepoints(fin, fout, fit)[source]

Finds the extrema of the ellipse, the intersection with the coordinate axis and the closest and furthest point from the origin.

  • fin: Path to .yaml file containing the information about the ellipse.

  • fout: Path to .tex file to save a table with the coordinates of the notable points.

  • fit: Function used in the minimization.

SMEFT19.ellipse.parametrize(x, bf, v, d, nsigmas=1)[source]

Maps points on the unit hypersphere to points on the ellipsoid of constant likelihood.

  • x: np.array containing a point in the surface of the unit n-hypersphere.

  • bf: np.array with the point in parameter space with the best fit.

  • v: np.matrix containing the orientation of the axes of the ellipsoid.

  • d: np.array containing the principal axes of the ellipsoid.

  • [nsigmas: significance of the isoprobability hypersurface with respect to the best fit.]

  • xe: Projection of the point x in the ellipsoid of equal probability

SMEFT19.ellipse.save(bf, v, d, L, filename, name=None, fit=None)[source]

Saves the results of the minimization in a .yaml file.

  • bf: np.array with the point in parameter space with the best fit.

  • v: np.matrix containing the orientation of the axes of the ellipsoid.

  • d: np.array containing the principal axes of the ellipsoid

  • filename: Path to the .yaml file where the shape of the ellipse will be saved.

  • L: Log-likelihood at the best fit point.

  • [name: Descriptive name of the fit.]

  • [fit: scenario used to fit the data.]