Effective Field Theories
Study of any possible New Physics beyond the Standard Model using effective operators of dimension greater than 4 and constraining their corresponding Wilson Coefficients.
Introductions and Reviews
A. V. Manohar: “Introduction to Effective Field Theories”.
A. Pich: “Effective field theory: Course”.
D. B. Kaplan: “Effective field theories”.
Essential Material
B. Grzadkowski, M. Iskrzynski, M. Misiak, and J. Rosiek: “Dimension-Six Terms in the Standard Model Lagrangian”.
E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and M. Trott: “Renormalization Group Evolution of the Standard Model Dimension Six Operators I: Formalism and lambda Dependence”.
E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and M. Trott: “Renormalization Group Evolution of the Standard Model Dimension Six Operators II: Yukawa Dependence”.
R. Alonso, E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and M. Trott: “Renormalization Group Evolution of the Standard Model Dimension Six Operators III: Gauge Coupling Dependence and Phenomenology”.
R. Alonso, H.-M. Chang, E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and B. Shotwell: “Renormalization group evolution of dimension-six baryon number violating operators”.
E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and P. Stoffer: “Low-Energy Effective Field Theory below the Electroweak Scale: Operators and Matching”.
E. E. Jenkins, A. V. Manohar, and P. Stoffer: “Low-Energy Effective Field Theory below the Electroweak Scale: Anomalous Dimensions”.
J. Aebischer, M. Fael, C. Greub, and J. Virto. “B physics Beyond the Standard Model at One Loop: Complete Renormalization Group Evolution below the Electroweak Scale”.
S. Descotes-Genon, A. Falkowski, M. Fedele, M. González-Alonso, and J. Virto: “The CKM parameters in the SMEFT”.
J. Aebischer et al. “WCxf: an exchange format for Wilson coefficients beyond the Standard Model”. Repo, Website.
J. Fuentes-Martin, P. Ruiz-Femenia, A. Vicente, and J. Virto. “DsixTools 2.0: The Effective Field Theory Toolkit”. Repo, Website.
J. Aebischer, J. Kumar, and D. M. Straub. “Wilson: a Python package for the running and matching of Wilson coefficients above and below the electroweak scale”. Repo, Webpage.
D. M. Straub. “flavio: a Python package for flavour and precision phenomenology in the Standard Model and beyond”. Repo, Website.
J. Aebischer, J. Kumar, P. Stangl, and D. M. Straub. “A Global Likelihood for Precision Constraints and Flavour Anomalies”. Repo.
J. De Blas et al. “HEPfit: a code for the combination of indirect and direct constraints on high energy physics models”. Repo, Website.
D. van Dyk et al. “EOS – A Software for Flavor Physics Phenomenology”. Repo, Website.
P. Athron et al. “GAMBIT: The Global and Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool”. Repos, Website
F. U. Bernlochner et al. “FlavBit: A GAMBIT module for computing flavour observables and likelihoods”.
A. Carmona, A. Lazopoulos, P. Olgoso, J. Santiago: “Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching”. Repo, Webpage.