\(b\to c\tau\barν_{e,\mu}\) contributions to \(R(D^{(*)})\)

Shikma Bressler, Federico De Vito Halevy, Yosef Nir arXiv:2201.11393

Abstract: The \(R(D^{(*)})\) puzzle stands for a \(\sim3\sigma\) violation of lepton flavor universality between the decay rates of \(B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu\) and \(B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu\), where \(\ell=e,\mu\). If it is accounted for by new physics, there is no reason in general that the relevant neutrinos are, respectively, \(\nu_\tau\) and \(\nu_\ell\). We study whether the \(\tau\) related rate could be enhanced by significant contributions from \(B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu_\ell\). We find the upper bounds from forbidden or rare meson decays imply that the contributions from the lepton flavor violating processes account for no more than about \(4\%\) of the required shift. Yet, no fine-tuned flavor alignment is required for the new physics. Searching for the related high-\(p_T\) process \(pp\to\tau^\pm\mu^\mp\) can at present put a lower bound on the scale of the lepton flavor violating new physics that is a factor of \(2.2\) weaker than the bound from meson decays.