\(\bar B \to D^* \ell^- \bar\nu_\ell\) Decays: Angular Distributions and New Physics
in Around the arXiv on B-anomalies
Abstract: At the present time, there are hints of new physics (NP) in several observables involving \(b \to c \ell^- {\bar\nu}_\ell\) decays. In this talk, I describe measurable angular distributions for \({\bar B} \to D^* \mu^- {\bar\nu}_\mu\) and \({\bar B} \to D^* \tau^- (\to \pi^- \nu_\tau) {\bar\nu}_\tau\) decays, including the most general NP contributions. These angular distributions contain enough information to pin down the Lorentz structure of the NP, which will help to identify it. They also have the ability to reveal the presence of non-SMEFT (non-decoupling) NP.