\(B\to D \ell \nu \ell\) form factors beyond leading power and extraction of \(|V {cb}|\) and \(R(D)\)
Jing Gao, Tobias Huber, Yao Ji, Chao Wang, Yu-Ming Wang, Yan-Bing Wei
Abstract: We investigate the subleading-power corrections to the exclusive \(B\to D \ell \nu_\ell\) form factors at \({\cal O} (\alpha_s^0)\) in the light-cone sum rules (LCSR) framework by including the two- and three-particle higher-twist contributions from the \(B\)-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes up to the twist-six accuracy, by taking into account the subleading terms in expanding the hard-collinear charm-quark propagator, and by evaluating the hadronic matrix element of the subleading effective current \(\bar q \, \gamma_{\mu} \, i \not\!\!{D}_\perp / (2 \, m_b) \, h_v\). Employing further the available leading-power results for the semileptonic \(B \to D\) form factors at the next-to-leading-logarithmic level and combining our improved LCSR predictions with the recent lattice determinations, we then carry out a comprehensive phenomenological analysis on the semi-leptonic \(B\to D \ell \nu_\ell\) decay. We extract \(|V_{cb}| = \big(40.3^{+0.9}_{-0.8} {\big |_{\rm th}}\,\, {}^{+1.4}_{-1.4} {\big |_{\rm exp}} \big) \times 10^{-3}\) (\(|V_{cb}| = \big(41.0^{+0.9}_{-0.8} {\big |_{\rm th}}\,\, {}^{+1.0}_{-1.0} {\big |_{\rm exp}} \big) \times 10^{-3}\)) using the BaBar (Belle) experimental data, and particularly obtain for the gold-plated ratio \(R(D) = 0.305 \pm 0.007\).